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Trope-tastic Thursday: Violently Protective Girlfriend

(Finished the first Mass Effect! Now I’m trying to get back into good writing habits and complete some projects before ordering ME2.) Trope: Violently Protective Girlfriend Description: Do not mess with the boyfriend of the Violently Protective Girlfriend. It will not end well for you. Just as mothers instinctively protect their children, the Violently Protective […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: (Green-Skinned) Space Babe

I’m about a third of the way through the first Mass Effect and I’m enjoying it so far. Might as well make this week’s Trope-tastic Thursday somewhat relevant! Trope: (Green-Skinned) Space Babe Description: The attractive alien with mostly human features so having sex with her (or sometimes him) isn’t too squicky. While the fictional aliens […]

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And the Productivity Takes a Hit

That time has come again – I am spending most of my free time not writing, not knitting, but losing myself to a game. I finally got the first Mass Effect working, and while I’m not madly in love with it yet like I was with Dragon Age 2, I’m getting the hang of it […]

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Trope-tastic Thursday: Star-Crossed Lovers

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you’re snuggling up with something (or someone) steamy and dreamy! Trope: Star-Crossed Lovers Description: Our heroes are madly, passionately, unbelievably in love…but fate is keeping them apart. There are any number of contributing factors to why they just can’t be together and live happily ever after. Some have a basis […]

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No Broken Hearts Here!

We have winners! Congrats to Ashley Anne, who gets a free ebook of her choosing, plus a special sneak peek at the Searching the Skies sequel! Congratulations are also in order for Ashley, Jess, and Meghan, who won the grand prizes in the hop! I loved reading all your responses as to who your favorite […]

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Half Navel-Gazing, Half Kissing My Own Butt

(If you want to be eligible for the Heartbreaker Hop’s grand prizes, make sure you comment on the post below this one!) There are a couple questions and topics tossed around the writing forums I frequent that make me scratch my head, mostly because I don’t have good answers. They deal with measuring success and ultimate […]

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Heartbreaker Hop!

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and that means it’s time to spice things up with a blog hop! Whether you’re already happily with your hero, still looking for that certain someone, or if you’re out there breaking hearts on your own, we’ve all got some fabulous prizes to celebrate! Every hero’s got his flaws, depending on […]

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Trope-tastic Thursdays: Hot Chick in a Badass Suit

Trope: Hot Chick in a Badass Suit Description: The Hot Chick in a Badass Suit means business – don’t mess with her, or you will probably regret it. She’s successful and she’s confident in both her profession and the way she carries herself. While short skirts are a possibility, she can look just as good […]

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Starting Somewhere Other Than the Beginning

Congratulations to Kat and Kristin, who won e-copies of Disintegration! Enjoy! I forget if I just coyly hinted at it or outright stated it, but either way: I am writing a sequel to Searching the Skies. (And I do have plans for a third book in that series, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves […]

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Trope-tastic Thursdays: Significant Green Eyed Redhead

(Don’t forget to enter the Disintegration release giveaway if you haven’t already!) Trope: Significant Green Eyed Red Head Description: What it says. 😉 Okay, okay, I know this is a pretty minor trope, but it’s timely, so bear with me. As red and green are opposite each other on the color wheel, combinations of them […]

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