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The “Disintegration” Release! (and Giveaway!)

Disintegration is out from Double Dragon Publishing today! (And is coming soon to your favorite retailer!) I’m so excited about this book, I can’t even begin to describe it. This is, hands-down, my most favorite thing I’ve ever written to date, and I’ve been looking forward to sharing it.  I have two e-copies up for […]

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Six Sentence Sunday!

I usually have these posts scheduled way in advance and ready to go. However, I spent all day yesterday staring at the computer working out the little issues with self-pubbing on Smashwords and Amazon, and by the time I was done, I literally could not look at this thing for another second. So much for […]

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Trope-tastic Thursdays: The Ingenue

Trope: The Ingenue Description: The Ingenue is sweet, innocent, and naive to a fault. She’s frequently a virgin, and any sort of sexual talk or flirting will go right over her pretty little head. Due to her traits, she’s a prime target to become a Damsel in Distress. After all, the hero(es) must save her […]

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Disintegration Prequel #3

Here is is, the last of the Disintegration prequels. This one focuses on Ro, who’s become one of my favorite characters. This one’s a bit longer than the other two, but with more plot comes more naughty activities!  I’m going to try to have the e-book collection out by the end of this week, if […]

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Six Sentence Sunday!

My original plan was to chill out with some games after finishing all the Disintegration stuff. Alas, my computer decided not to cooperate, so with little else to do, I started the (as yet untitled) Searching the Skies prequel. The nice part about a prequel, I’ve found, is that as the characters are already in […]

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Trope-tastic Thursdays: (Defrosting) Ice Queen

Trope: Ice Queen (and its sub-trope, the Defrosting Ice Queen) Description: The Ice Queen is aloof and, well, frigid. She may not want to get emotionally close to anyone, or it may just be men she disdains. There are a few different ways her icy qualities can manifest themselves, ranging from slinging nasty remarks at […]

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Disintegration Prequel #2

Happy Monday! (An oxymoron, I know.) If your weekend was as dreary as mine and if the coffee just isn’t cutting it for you today, then I think we can all use a little pick-me-up. The release date of Disintegration is getting closer and closer; let’s have another free prequel! I’ll be honest – this […]

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Six Sentence Sunday!

The last edits on Disintegration are DONE and shipped off! Let’s take a look at some drama, shall we? “Can’t you acknowledge for one moment that maybe, just maybe, I mean something more to you than an assigned responsibility?” There was no reply. Callum grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around. He slid […]

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Trope-tastic Thursdays – Badass Damsel

I had an idea for a new feature on the blog – once a week, I plan on taking a well-known trope and examining it. Now, there’s a fine line between “trope” and “cliche”, and some writers argue that they try not to use either. (And some other writers will argue with them that no […]

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Winners, and More Free Stuff!

2013 is off to a super start! I loved reading about all the new things you’re going to try this year. (Some of you are far more adventurous than I am!) This blog hop was a blast – big thanks to everyone who participated, and especially to Carrie Ann for coordinating everything.  Time to announce […]

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