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Six Sentence Sunday!

(Today’s the last day for the New Year’s Blog Hop! Don’t forget to leave a comment with your email on this post to be eligible for the prizes!) I’m finally wrapping up the three Disintegration prequels (which will be released extremely soon). Here’s a six-sentence snippet from the last one: “He’s coming back from the city today, […]

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What’s in a Name?

(Reminder: if you want to be eligible for the grand prizes in the New Year’s Blog Hop, you need to leave a comment with your email address on this post!) I’ve always been a bit of a name nerd. When I was a child, I did things like keep notebooks of my favorite names and attempt […]

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New Year’s Blog Hop!

Wow, another blog hop so soon after the last one? The holiday spirit must be strong in the romance/erotica blogosphere! I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday, whether you were bouncing around from party to party, or just relaxing with a good book. (Either way, I hope there were plenty of scrumptious goodies to eat […]

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Six Sentence Sunday!

Last one of 2012! This excerpt comes from the second Disintegration prequel (which is being beta-read now):  “Naughty girl,” he growled near her ear. “Are you forgetting who’s in charge tonight?” Tanith gasped when he drew her earlobe between her teeth. She abandoned his clothing and settled for wrapping her arms around his waist. He […]

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Adventures in Self-Publishing

Since I’m still getting over this cold (yay antibiotics!) and I’ve already written about how I like to stay organized and on top of things, I’ve started researching my self-pubbing options for the Disintegration prequels. As I’m eventually releasing the bundle of all three for free as an e-book, there doesn’t seem to be a […]

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Merry Christmas!

(And happy holidays to the non-Christmas-celebrating folks out there!)  I’m still fighting off this pesky cold, but I’ve managed to partake in some holiday season festivities. (I’ve been keeping my distance from people, though, don’t you worry.) It actually snowed here last night, so everything looks all pretty and peaceful. I do love this time […]

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After almost a year and a half of not having to deal with anything worse then some seasonal allergies, my good luck ran out, and I have a cold. Not an awful cold – I’ve had worse – but a cold nonetheless. And it is making me CRANKY.  I’ve been drinking orange juice like it’s […]

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Holiday Gifts of Love Winners

The Holiday Gifts of Love Blog Hop has come to a close, and we have some winners to announce! Congrats to Kym, who won e-copies of Searching the Skies and The Edge of the Sphere on this blog, and to Aimee, Laura, and Debbie, who won a Kindle Fire, an Amazon gift card, and the […]

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Holiday Gifts of Love Blog Hop!

I love the holiday season. I love the music, wrapping and giving gifts, and getting together with family so we can stuff our faces. I don’t even mind the snow! (as long as I’m not the one shoveling it) The whole gifting aspect of the holidays is where things sometimes get hairy. Sometimes our loved […]

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Talk is Cheap

I’m working on the second Disintegration prequel. (Watch for the first one to be released here after the new year!) As I was writing this afternoon, I finally got to the point where the two featured characters meet up. After that, it was smooth sailing until I had to leave my house. I love writing […]

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