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Six Sentence Sunday!

It’s that time again! In addition to working on the Disintegration mini-prequels, I’m also working on a couple shorts to submit to some anthologies. I haven’t written a whole lot of BDSM before, but I figured I’d give it a try! Here are six sentences from a short story tentatively titled “Deception”: He moved in […]

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Why Do I Blog?

I believe I’ve mentioned in passing that I knit and crochet. (Some would call me hardcore. I have made some awesome stuff, it’s true.) A shiny new blogging group spun off from one of my favorite forums at Ravelry, and I’m enjoying adding to my list of blogs to follow.  This month’s prompt is either […]

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An Inbox of Happiness and Joy

The email I’ve been waiting for finally arrived today – Disintegration is a go! I’ll print out and mail back my contract tomorrow, and then eagerly anticipate my (not really) favorite part: EDITING.  Here’s the shortest of the blurbs in its current form: Dutiful soldier Callum Renwick wakes up in the underground laboratory of a […]

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Six Sentence Sunday

Time for Six Sentence Sunday again! I’ve been working on a number of shorter projects. Here’s a brief excerpt from the first Disintegration mini-prequel:  Without breaking their contact, he turned around and backed towards the bed. They sat down, and he dragged his lips towards her neck, skimming along her delicate skin. “I’ve been dreaming […]

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I like to think of myself as a creative person. (I hope that would be fairly obvious, what with the whole writing fiction thing.) I’ve found unconventional solutions to problems in a think-outside-the-box way, I can visualize the way I’d like things to be and make it happen, and I am unstoppable with a hot […]

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The Waiting Game

Disintegration (aka RoboCock) has been formatted and shipped off. Now it’s time for my least favorite part: waiting for confirmation that it’s been accepted.  Even after doing this a couple times, I still get antsy, and I’m terrified of jinxing anything. I truly, honestly believe it’s on par with, if not better than, what I’ve […]

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The Next Big Thing

K.E. Skedgell was kind enough to tag me for this blog hop, and I’m still marveling at the fact that  my internet was finally fixed, so let’s answer some questions about the book I’ve been working on! What is your working title of your book? Disintegration. (Though I’ve been jokingly referring to it as “RoboCock” […]

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The Winners of Autumn!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Autumn’s Harvest blog hop! I loved reading everyone’s comments. (Maybe autumn should be my favorite season now! 😉 ) Congratulations to Kaci, who will be receiving her signed copy of The Edge of the Sphere in the mail sometime soon! More congratulations go to Tina, Sarah, and Lynn, […]

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Autumn’s Harvest Blog Hop!

When people ask what my favorite season is, I never have a good answer for them. Truthfully, I love all the seasons for different reasons, and the hyperactive part of my brain is always ready for a change. I love the colors of autumn, the crisp, cool air, and the fun of digging out my […]

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Getting to the Happy Ending

First things first: get thee over to Footsteps of a Writer, where I have a guest post about happy endings (or lack thereof). Be sure to leave a comment with your opinions! Nextly: the power is back on at my house, and it was good to sleep in my own bed last night. However, the […]

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