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Back in the Land of Heat and Electricity

Long story short, we got spanked by Hurricane Sandy. And not a fun kind of spanking. I’ve been without power since about 7:30 on Monday. My parents (who were trying to fly back from Europe) found out they had power, so they offered us their house. Unfortunately, our driveway looked like this: My windshield (on […]

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Six Sentence Sunday

Sometimes I make outlines for my WIPs, other times I don’t. Some of these outlines are more detailed than others. My notes for Chapter 19 simply say “ragesex following failed attempt #2”, and then some brief snippets of dialogue I wanted to include. Very comprehensive, I know. Enjoy! Her face was less than a foot […]

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Winners, Hop Up and Down!

All good things must come to an end, and the Alpha Male Blog Hop has come to a close. I had a blast hopping from link to link and reading everybody’s comments (both here and elsewhere). My “to-read” list has gotten even longer! Big huge thanks to Carrie Ann for coordinating the festivities, to all […]

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“No Day But Today” is Yesterday, But Still A-Okay

We always remember the books/movies/music/TV shows/etc. of our youth fondly. They’re the words that awakened us, touched us, and spoke to us in a way that made us think they were written just for us. There’s a category of culture that I think can only be truly appreciated if you experience it at the exact right point […]

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The Alpha Male Blog Hop!

“What makes an alpha male?” That’s like asking “What do women really want?” It’s highly subjective, and I don’t know if we’ll ever agree on a solid definition. Some traits immediately come to mind. Dominant. Confident. Strong. But even those can take us into a gray area. Are we referring to just physical strength, or […]

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Yes, Oysters and Yarn

Whoops, haven’t checked in here in a week. The past few days were busy with writing like crazy for a deadline, and then celebrations of oysters and yarn (not in the same place) as my mom and I road tripped it around New England. There was lots of good food, my list of knitting projects […]

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Imperfect Timing

I hate having to admit that I haven’t had as much time to work on my book-in-progress as I would like. The best excuse is that I picked up a little side writing job (one that actually pays weekly, albeit a minimal amount), so starting from when I get the assignment, that takes priority so […]

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Don’t Ever Leave Me, F7

Cool story, bro: when I was in the first grade, I was eventually banned from participating in my class’s spelling bees because I kept winning all the time. The teacher tried to make things fair by letting me pick some of the words, but then there were complaints that the words I picked were too […]

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Without a Care in the World

Meet Ro. She’s a badass. That security camera never stood a chance. My good friend Boobulon knocked out this sketch when he needed something to draw the other night. I love it. I haven’t really written a character like Ro before, and I’m loving that too. Ro (aka Agent Rohalia Bernard) doesn’t care what you […]

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Six Sentence Sunday

For this installment of Six Sentence Sunday, we revisit my first book, Searching the Skies. Sometimes I look at it and think, “Wow, I could have done so much better,” or “Wow, I’ve come a long way,” but I’ll always be rather fond of it. This is from one of my favorite chapters/scenes to write, […]

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