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The Finite Pool of Possibility

Last night, when I was futzing around the internet instead of writing, I was reading a brief article on a website I frequent about a remake of “RoboCop”. I’d never seen the original, knew nothing about it (other than, presumably, it involved a cop who was a robot), but the website is humorous and the […]

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Six Sentence Sunday

I finally crawled out from that rock I live under and officially signed up for Six Sentence Sunday. For my first participating post, here are six sentences from my current WIP (sci-fi/erotica): “Don’t sell yourself short. I admit to being curious as to the various ways your…condition makes you different. But I liked what I […]

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I Hate That

I know it’s blasphemy to some, but I edit as I go along. In The Edge of the Sphere, I edited at the end of every “part” (there were four main parts, a brief interlude, plus a short “Part Five” with a shorter epilogue). The current project isn’t broken down that way, so I’ve decided […]

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Artistic Vision

We’ve all been there: writer’s block. Back when I was working on The Edge of the Sphere, I needed some inspiration to get the creative juices flowing. I do have a deviantArt account for my crocheted dolls, so I went over there, plugged in some vague search phrases related to the setting of the scenes […]

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I Like Tanks

On the spectrum of female stereotypes, I’m probably more on the “tomboy” side than the “girly” side. I’m at my most comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, and I still get together with my (male) friends for marathon video game sessions. (However, in the interests of full disclosure, I do own a ridiculous amount of […]

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Slice ‘n’ Dice

The new book is coming along nicely. If you had asked me about it over the weekend, my answer would have been different. After slogging through it for a while (and abandoning it in favor of my knitting projects) on Saturday, I finally finished the second chapter and started a little of the third (and […]

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Widget is an Awesome Word…I mean, Come Win Stuff!

Now that I’m at the mailing address I plan to use for the REST OF MY LIFE, I was finally able to order some paperbacks! I’ll eventually host a giveaway here, but I’d been curious about the Goodreads giveaway system. In addition to everything else, they provide a fancy schmancy widget to post on your […]

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My Own Personal Cliffhanger

I generally don’t set writing goals for myself. If I say I want to write 1000 words a day (which I consider pretty good for myself and the way I write), I’ll just get more frustrated if I don’t hit that mark. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely times when I think, “Hey, I […]

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Clearing the First Hurdle

The new house is mostly unpacked, the Olympics are over [hurdle joke goes here], so I guess I need to start writing this next book! Okay, I started already. I have a chapter down. Truth be told, I am not completely enamored with it. It’s easy to get frustrated and shove the document to the […]

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Multi-Tasking Like a Champ

Phew. I am exhausted. The house is shaping up nicely, but there’s still a lot to be done. The kitchen is mostly unpacked and organized, and that is filling me with glee. I estimate I might actually feel like cooking dinner by Wednesday or Thursday! I’ll tackle the bathroom tomorrow after our trip to IKEA […]

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