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An Excellent Reason to Take a Little Break!

I’ve been working mainly on some shorts (just to keep in shape, nothing I’ll post here) and holding off on starting my next book because I knew I would need to take a break around this time. It’s for good reason, though – we bought a house! I’m a homeowner! Yay! (with a little bit […]

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The Sound of Silence (thanks, Paul Simon!)

(Completely irrelevant to the rest of this blog post: my author interview is up over at The First 7500 Words! Go read about my favorite authors, my writing tips, and how I would subdue a dragon!) The topic of music comes up frequently in many of the writing forums I visit. It’s understandable. Music is […]

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Recharging the Batteries (no, not the naughty kind)

I am finally on vacation! WOOO!!! This has been a long time coming, and I am enjoying the week of good food (that I don’t have to cook myself!), uninterrupted sleep, and other sorts of relaxation. I’ve been spending some quality time with my much-neglected knitting needles, and have completed the front panel and started the […]

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Making the Rounds

In a cosmic alignment of calendar events, I have stuff featured at two other blogs today. If you haven’t checked them out yet, I strongly recommend doing so! The First 7500 Words is a new-ish blog, but I was intrigued by the concept. You either grab your reader right away, or you don’t. As I read […]

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Going Under Cover

Some people may argue that today, in the age of e-readers, cover art isn’t as important as it once was. I am quite firmly a Kindle girl, but for the most part, I still like the pretty pictures. That said, there are a couple of books I’ve read in the past year or so that […]

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Winning Winners Who Win!

Congratulations to our three winners! Jason and Laura had the good fortune of being randomly lucky, while Shannon gets her book for providing the most entertaining entry! (I won’t give away too many incriminating details, but I’ll say that I had the same reaction as her when reading about it and thinking it over – […]

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The Edge of the Sphere Giveaway!

Let’s give out some e-copies of The Edge of the Sphere! The last giveaway was a blast, so I feel the need to outdo myself. This time, we’re going to have an extra bit of fun! Dreams play a significant role in TEotS. (Dreams of an adult nature, of course.) The question to enter this […]

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Well, THAT was fast

So The Edge of the Sphere was released today, about a month ahead of schedule. Yay! Right now, the e-book is available from the publisher and All Romance Ebooks. Last time, I think it took about a week for the Kindle version to go up on Amazon, and about two weeks for the paperback. I’ll […]

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Inspiration Comes From Mysterious Places

I think every writer has heard “Where do you get your ideas?” about, oh, a million times. It’s a valid question. Sometimes just coming up with something to write about is half the battle. (And then there are all the other fun battles, like actually putting it down on paper, and making sure the idea […]

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This time I have valid reasons!

I know, I know, I’ve been neglecting ye olde blogge again. But this time for good reason! The Edge of the Sphere is almost completely edited – I just have to make a few more changes in this last round, and then go through every word one final time before shipping it off to be […]

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