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The Dimensions of My Learning Curve

Editing for The Edge of the Sphere is officially underway. For the most part, I was able to take what I had learned from the editing process with Searching the Skies and apply it in order to deliver a cleaner manuscript the first time around. It’s a longer book, but there didn’t seem to be as […]

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Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition

Repeated words are usually considered a big no-no. I like to think I catch most of them, but every now and then, I’ll proof/edit something and find the same word written a million times in two pages. (I may be exaggerating just a little bit.) Last night, I was going over a very short chapter, […]

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He’s a Real Character

Characters. Without them, plot is meaningless. There would be no way to forge an emotional connection to what’s going on. Not to mention no one would be talking to each other, and I don’t think I can function in a world without dialogue. The reasons for creating characters were easy enough to find. Actually creating them, […]

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Congratulations to Susan, Chris, and Nicole! The email with the link to your free e-book should be arriving at any moment! Also, a big thank you to everyone who entered! Keep checking back for future giveaways! In addition to more books, I’ve got some other events tentatively planned. For those of you who are curious […]

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Searching the Skies Giveaway!

Memorial Day weekend is over, and now it’s a slog to the next vacation day. (End of July for me!) To help soothe the pain and keep things steamy in this heat wave some of us have been experiencing, I’m giving away three e-copies of Searching the Skies! Entering is easy – just answer the […]

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Different Flavors of Creativity

Like everyone else in the world, I’m forced to balance my time between the things I want to do and the things I HAVE to do. And even with the things I want to do, I still have to split my free time between my various hobbies. Writing takes up a big chunk of time, […]

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Oh, The Places You’ll Go (Or Won’t Go, As the Case May Be)

As hard as I try, I don’t always think things through all the way. My first little forays into writing erotica in college weren’t anything outrageous. They were about realistic people doing realistic things…okay, to be perfectly honest, a lot of characters were loosely based on myself, and a lot of the situations were my […]

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Good News is Good!

After my mopefest of a last post, I have some good news to share – my second book, The Edge of the Sphere, has officially been accepted by my publisher and has an estimated release date of August 2012! There’s still some editing to be done, of course, but overall, I think this is a […]

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Slacking Slackers Who Slack

And now it’s time for the post that I think nearly every blogger has made at one point and has hated himself/herself for it: I’ve been slacking lately, due to (laziness/shit going down in real life/the dog ate my internet/stupid excuse du jour). For me, school has gotten busy, and I’m dealing with some health […]

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If You Build It, They Wi-…nah, I’m not going to make that joke

As most of my writing seems to lean towards the sci-fi/fantasy genre (both when involving smut and not involving smut), one thing I’ve been trying to educate myself about is “world building”. If the story’s not taking place on Earth, with humans, in the past or the present, time and energy needs to devoted to […]

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