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Just as Long as the Last Step Isn’t “Profit!”

Considering I have two lengthy posts revealing my rampant fangirlism, it should come as no great shock that I write fanfiction. Yes, that’s “write”, as in, present tense. Sure, I don’t write as much of it as I used to, now that I have more of my own independent projects to occupy my time, but […]

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My New Obsession

I’m taking a little writing break before jumping into any new projects. Despite my post a while back about my love for the Myst series, I don’t really consider myself much of a “gamer”. I can’t remember the last time I bought a game that wasn’t some sort of action-y Wii thing. A friend recommended […]

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It’s Fiction, I SWEAR!

I went out with a friend for dinner last night. Said friend had recently finished reading Searching the Skies, and I was eager to hear his thoughts. Part of the book deals with the main character’s issues with her parents, specifically her mother. In our discussion of the book, my friend told me he had […]

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This is My Descriptive Title

Writing is an art. Our words are our tools in our chosen medium, and we slave over picking the perfect combination to convey what’s been bouncing around inside our heads. Sometimes we strive to find the appropriate prose to describe our humanity, the heart-rending emotions that either make us grateful to get out of bed […]

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Check this out!

I’ll write a longer post later tonight or tomorrow, but in the meantime, go entertain yourselves with the Voices of Fiction project. The first of my answers is featured today, and there will be more to come! Thanks, Cher!

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All the Voices in Our Heads

I’ve frequently been told I write the way I talk. I’ve also been told that “the way I talk” = “never shutting the hell up, ever”. Some people have speculated that I have gills to assist me in breathing, because I never, ever stop. It’s a fair assessment. I don’t argue it. In some ways, […]

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Let’s Have a Heated Discussion! – When to Edit

I finished writing the epilogue of my latest book last night. Obviously, I was overjoyed and felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The celebrating was, however, tempered by knowing what’s coming up next: editing. Lots of editing. A shitload of editing. Editing. I have a confession to make: I’m one of those people who edits as she […]

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The Infinite World of Possibility (or, Video Games! Woo-Hoo!)

If you owned a computer in the 1990s, chances are you heard of a little game called Myst. I won’t go into details as to how wildly popular it was, or how it changed the face of gaming, as all that’s already been well-documented in various places. However, it’s important to note that there were […]

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Pirates vs. Vampires vs. Vikings (vs. Zombies?)

Sometimes pop culture trends surprise me. I admit that the element of surprise may come from me occasionally having my head up my butt when it comes to “popular” things, but I think it’s safe to say that no one really knows what’s going to take the world by storm next. Every now and then, […]

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Good Habits, Bad Habits, In-Between Habits

To kick things off for the OFFICIAL BLOG (yay), I might as well engage in some self-awareness and self-critique. I firmly believe that being able to laugh at oneself is a great trait to have, and I do like to laugh. Besides, if we weren’t laughing, we’d be crying, right? Right. As every writer develops his […]

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