Trope: Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl Description: Not necessarily a romance trope, when you have a male character and a female character hanging out and doing whatever in your fictional world, one way to play with expectations and subvert stereotypes is to have the man be the calmer, more pragmatic one while the woman is the […]
(Parts of this were originally posted on February 21, 2013) Trope: (Green-Skinned) Space Babe Description: The attractive alien with mostly human features so having sex with him or her isn’t too squicky. While the fictional aliens of yore were mostly green, blue has been more common in recent years, though they can come in every […]
In addition to writing my blog posts on tropes, I have been plugging away at other things, namely the Disintegration series re-release. For the most part, everything’s been going smoothly, and I think I’m on track to release at the end of the summer as planned. As always, some things come with a learning curve, […]
Trope: Raven Hair, Ivory Skin Description: Though beauty ideals tend to go in cycles when it comes to what’s popular at any given moment, Raven Hair, Ivory Skin is one of those tropes that’s often used as a shortcut for “this character is physically attractive”. Due to said cycles, these characters can take on all […]
Trope: Insecure Love Interest Description: Even if one character in a couple thinks their love interest is great, the love interest may not feel that way themselves. This could be one of the obstacles in the way of the pair getting together, or even continue after they’ve officially embarked on a romantic relationship with each […]
(Parts of this were originally posted on February 7, 2013) Trope: Hot Chick in a Badass Suit Description: No link to the trope this time, because apparently in the years since I wrote the original post, TV Tropes has decided a list of women suits isn’t trope-tastic enough. I still think it’s a valid way […]
(Parts of this were originally posted on January 17, 2013) Trope: Ice Queen (and its sub-trope, the Defrosting Ice Queen) Description: The Ice Queen is aloof and, well, frigid. She may not want to get emotionally close to anyone, or it may just be men she disdains. There are a few different ways her icy […]
My last post was about multitasking, and one would think I already had enough on my plate, but nope! One would be wrong. I decided to add more STUFF to my list. First and foremost, Sweet Escape, my latest short story, is available now. You *could* buy it from Amazon for $0.99, OR! if you […]
I’m pleased to say I’ve reached the home stretch of Surrendering the Skies. I have one more chapter to go, plus an epilogue. And honestly, I’m not crazy about where my word count is right now, so I might wind up going back and adding in a few more things, but we’ll see where I […]
I’ve been saying to myself “oh, I really should write a blog post” for about the past week or so. Honestly, I don’t have a whole lot to report. Progress on Surrendering the Skies, Book 3 of the series I’m rebooting, is coming along nicely. I would estimate I’m somewhere between a third and halfway […]