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To the Skies!

I’ve mentioned a couple of times over the past months that the first publisher I worked with has shut down, all the rights to my books have reverted back to me, and I had to figure out what to do with them. I took my planned writing break following the completion of A Flame Among […]

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Promo – Scarlet: Book Two of the Robyn Hood Series

Action! Adventure! Awesome women! Fellow author Niamh Murphy has a new book out today, the second in her gender flipped Robyn Hood series. Keep reading for the blurb and a fun excerpt! Blurb: GREED. CORRUPTION. GOLD. Robyn Hood and her loyal friend Littlejohn want nothing more than to stay one step ahead of the Sheriff […]

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Yup, you can keep your minds in the gutter, because this post is about exactly what you think it’s about: which characters dominate your sex scenes? As I was chugging along on A Flame Among the Stars, I started thinking about how in most romances, one half of the couple is usually more forward or […]

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New Year, New…well, all sorts of things

Happy New Year! Okay, so the general state of “the world is on fire” hasn’t quite been put out. (I’ll make my statement of if you in ANY way support the terrorism and insurrection that went on at the Capitol last week, you can see yourself out now, and I won’t miss you. BYE.) Not […]

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Racing Toward the Finish (or, Link Party!, Part the Next)

Hello, my lovelies! I hope this winter holiday season is treating you well, or whatever 2020’s version of well is. As we race toward the end of this year, I’ve been racing toward the end of my work-in-progress, Elemental Forces. Even without having gotten to the very end yet, it’s the longest thing I’ve written […]

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Off to Some Kind of Start, Part 2

Remember a couple years ago when we were all going back to our old projects at critiquing our opening lines? It’s that time again! Writing/blogging buddy Krystal Jane recently posted her new collection, and someone on Twitter just asked about favorite blog posts, so here we go for Round Two. I’ll pick up where I […]

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Hunting Astrid – Release Day!

  Hunting Astrid has officially hit the shelves! I know I’ve said it before, but really, I’m so excited about this book. With the state of the world still being *gestures vaguely*, I think we could all use a little fast-paced fun in our lives.   We’re opting for Kindle Unlimited again, as it worked […]

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Promo – Pink Triangle, by Lea Bronsen

  Fellow author Lea Bronsen has a new book out and this one’s a winner! Really, it won the Book of the Month award over at The TBR Pile, so read on for the blurb, excerpt, and buy links from this sizzling new release! Blurb: Oslo, April 1945 Paul is a handsome, free-spirited Norwegian in […]

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Link Party!

In case you missed it, the pre-order link for Hunting Astrid is up now. It’s free on Kindle Unlimited, and officially releases on the 20th. Tons of action here, both in and out of the bedroom, and I honestly had so much fun writing it. This might turn into one of my favorites in the […]

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Cover Reveal – Hunting Astrid

DAMN, I always get some awesome covers from the team at Decadent Publishing. Really, if this cover doesn’t tell you exactly what the book is about, then what will? Pre-orders start on November 6th, and the official release day will be November 20th. Follow along wherever I’m available to be followed (I’ve actually been using […]

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