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Choosing a Direction

In my last post, I made a short vague statement about revisiting an old project/idea, accompanied by a promise to write a blog post about it. You know how sometimes when you sit around thinking about something, debating all the pros and cons and everything, if you wait long enough, a decision is made for […]

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So, Now What?

Since last checking in, the world seems a little bit less on fire, but not significantly so. Throughout the whole lockdown, I saw a lot of authors and fellow writing buddies posting on social media about how they didn’t feel like writing AT. ALL, and dude, I totally get that. Trust me, I do. And […]

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A Statement, and a “Coming Soon!” Announcement

It seems strange to write about my writing life without mentioning current events, so I’m going to fumble my way through that first. Saying “oh, I don’t discuss politics on my writing website!” is taking the easy way out, and I need to do better than that. I’ll keep it brief, because 1) there are […]

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Drinks Are On Me

Unfortunately, I need to start with the sad news: my mother passed away last week. We knew from the beginning that her diagnosis/prognosis was among the worst you can get, but even her doctors were surprised this happened so quickly. Obviously, the global pandemic didn’t help matters any, but we’re trying to find some solace […]

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Video Games, Part Whatever – Fire Emblem: Three Houses

My go-to answer for anyone who asks how lockdown in NY is going is “we’re hanging in there.” We’ve had our ups and downs, and I’m really not up for discussing the downs right now. I started playing Fire Emblem: Three Houses on the Switch…last week? Two weeks ago? Time has no meaning right now. […]

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Andromeda’s Tear – Available Now!

Apparently my pandemic personality type is “restless evening energy.” Long story short, I felt the need to do something, so I decided to go back to some of my short stories that never found a home, make a cover for them, and put them up on Kindle Unlimited for free. (Or $0.99 if you’re not […]

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Some bandwagons I jump on. (Though I still haven’t seen “Tiger King.” But maybe soon.) Everyone else seemed to be giving their sites/blogs/whatever makeovers, and I figured it was time to do some updating here as well. Quite a bit of the previous version was a lot of placeholders and “eh, good enough,” but I […]

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Promo – Shade Addiction, by Lea Bronsen

New York is on lockdown, as are many other parts of the world, so rather than freaking out nonstop, I’m choosing to take this to mean NO EXCUSES FOR NOT READING BOOKS. Especially wild rides like Shade Addiction, by Lea Bronsen. You know the drill—keep reading for the blurb, buy links, and a tantalizing excerpt. […]

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Done With a Capital E

As we’re all aware of, the world is a crazy place right now. I waffle back and forth between “this will eventually blow over, most people will be fine” and…well, the opposite. Somewhere in all of this, I did, in fact, finish up Hunting Astrid earlier today. I actually have no idea how, since most […]

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The Beat Goes On

When last we left off, I posted something about how I was moving right along on Hunting Astrid and should finish it up relatively quickly unless a meteor struck. (Paraphrasing here.) Well, the meteor did, in fact, strike, and I’m not just referring to whatever plague-ridden dystopia we’re living in right now. Usually it’s me […]

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