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The tonsils are out, and while I’ve had my ups and downs this past week, it’s not the worst. Not particularly fun, but not the worst. So! Since I’m not completely miserable and I have passed off most of the care of my children to other adults, I’ve actually gotten quite a bit of writing […]

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New Project, and a New Year, Part the Next

Happy New Year! Writing-wise, 2020 is off to a great start. Before we get to January, I’ll follow up a bit from my last post to provide some general advice to anyone who may want/need it: Remember how I’d considered bringing a notebook with me to Disney World juuuuust in case there might be a […]

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New Project, and a New Year

Fire Beyond the Frost is still doing well, I’m happy to report. It’s fun to see what other people have highlighted! So I did wind up starting a new project after all. And…I like it. It’s fast-paced, exciting, and…dare I say it…FUN! Okay, maybe the emotional impact of this one won’t be huge, but it’ll […]

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A Humble Brag and a Humble “I Kind of Suck”

Because balance is everything. When last we left off, I was debating about whether or not to temporarily shelve Sonata for Springtime. (And, obviously, blogging about it instead of actually writing anything.) After some internal debate, I decided to keep plugging away at it. I did write maybe a third of a chapter or so, […]

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A Little Rusty

Which skills am I referring to with this title – my writing skills, my decision making skills, or a little bit of both? Probably both. Both is almost always an accurate answer. So I finally got back to Sonata for Springtime, which I started over a year ago, and then life got in the way. […]

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Promo – Carnivora #1, by Lea Bronsen

Today, I’m exciting to be featuring Lea Bronsen’s latest release, Carnivora Part 1. As I told her, thrillers are popular in the Landen household (with the two adults, anyway), and we spent the summer reading a bunch and comparing notes. I’ll turn things over to Lea for a bit, and then be sure to keep […]

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Fire Beyond the Frost – Release Day!

Happy Release Day to Fire Beyond the Frost. We’re trying something new for a change, and for at least 90 days, the book will be available for free if you’re a subscriber of Kindle Unlimited. As such, it’s exclusive to Amazon for the time being, but depending on how things go, we may go wide […]

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Cover Reveal – Fire Beyond the Frost

Here’s another winner from the fabulous artists at Decadent Publishing!   This one went through a number of versions, but I love the final result. All the little details are amazing! For now, we’re still on track to release next week, so here’s the blurb and excerpt again to tide you over until then! Blurb: […]

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On Fire!

Mark your calendars, Fire Beyond the Frost has a tentative release date of October 4th. I hope to have a sparkling new cover to present to you in the next couple days, but in the meantime, have this picture of me jumping over some burning logs. I did complete that obstacle course race I mentioned […]

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Making Up For Lost Time

Hello, my lovelies! I’m just briefly checking in here because guess how much writing I’ve done since the last time I posted – NONE. ZERO. ZIP. NOT A SINGLE WORD TO BE SEEN. The first round of edits for Fire Beyond the Frost should be coming in soon, but other than that, I’ve barely even […]

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