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Fire Beyond the Frost – Coming Soon!

Not only do I love making these announcements, but apparently, this is also my 300th post on this blog! Yay for milestones, I guess? I’ve felt like a slacker here at times, but 300 unique posts over *coughmumble* years is nothing to sneeze at. Anyhoo! I just signed the contracts for Fire Beyond the Frost, […]

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Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

After what felt like forever, I finally got the thumbs-up from my surgeon last week to resume normal activity. The PICC line is finally out, and I’m no longer on antibiotics, so I’m feeling pretty good. All this happened just in time for me to be a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding this past weekend, […]

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Still Alive, Still Not Writing, But Getting Closer!

Looks like it’s time for my monthly check in! I still haven’t been completely cleared by my team of doctors to resume normal activity, but I’m feeling hopeful about my appointments next week. Mostly, I just want the damn PICC line out of my arm and to stop the IV antibiotics, because that’s all annoying […]

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Still Alive, Still Not Writing

When last we left off, I’d been sick for a month and hadn’t been doing much of anything. Long story short, I wound up having major surgery for my chronic illness in mid-January. Major as in, “we’ll try to do it laparoscopically, but we might have to cut you open,” and sure enough, I woke […]

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Happy Holidays, But Let’s Get On To 2019 Already!

Two holiday posts back to back, a month apart, with zero writing updates. Uh-oh. I do have an excuse this time – unfortunately, I’ve been sick for pretty much the past month, and the doctors I’ve seen have yet to pinpoint exactly why yet. But I’m being taken seriously, which pleases me, and undergoing lots […]

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! Not much new to report on the writing front these days, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to express my thanks to all of you who read my words, whether via my books, this blog, or anywhere else I ramble on. I’m trying not to think about how […]

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So Dramatic

Soooo…that chapter I was working on at the time of my last blog post, which was a month ago? (Oops.) Still not finished. (Oops again.) But! I have a good reason, I promise! I’ve been working on a short story for submission to an anthology instead, and THAT has been going well. I came up […]

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More Than Filler

I’m still plugging along on Sonata for Springtime, though between promo for Closing Montage and life in general, it’s been slow. By my estimation, I think I’m around a third of the way done, which isn’t too shabby. But since I write in order, I’m at a point that’s a tad less exciting than the […]

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Closing Montage – Release Day!

After some whirlwind rounds of editing, Closing Montage hits the e-shelves today! As always, I’m thrilled with the cover design here – very Nicholas “Imma make some women cry” Sparks-esque. 😉 Get the tissues ready, because this one’s a tearjerker! (In case you couldn’t tell from the blurb, which makes the ending pretty obvious….) Blurb: […]

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The first round of edits for Closing Montage is done. The nice part about it being such a short novella is there wasn’t a whole lot to be done there. Or, more importantly, there weren’t many moments that made me go “oh god, I’m such an idiot,” which might be a first. We might be […]

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